Laser Hair removal
We have been one of the first medical offices on the west side that started with laser hair removal devices in 2000. Since then, we have always updated with the newest ones in the market, as we strive to trailblaze in the cosmetic industry and always stay up to date.
Laser hair removal is a great alternative to traditional methods of hair removal such as shaving or waxing. This procedure uses laser light beams to target the hair follicle, safely and permanently reduce unwanted hair on the face and body.
Technology: Cynosure® Elite+™
Dual-wavelength system with Alex and Yag treats All skin types. Equipped with patented Cryo Cooling system and provides increased comfort with each laser pulse.
Technology: The Lutronic Clarity II Laser
It is the newest technology, is a versatile device that is faster and more effective in removing unwanted stubborn hair on the face and body, smooths cellulite, reduces stretch marks, tightens lax skin on the body, removes spider veins/broken capillaries, and lightens brown spots. Clarity has been voted by doctors to be the best device currently available for laser hair removal.
How does the Clarity II Laser work?
If unwanted facial or body hair, cellulite, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, spider veins, or body areas that you wish to tighten without surgery, you are a potential candidate for the Clarity Laser.
The Clarity works on most skin tones but not all hair colors when used for hair removal. Blonde, light red, white, and gray hair do not contain enough pigment for the procedure to work.

What can I expect from Clarity II Laser treatment?
You will feel very little discomfort because the device disperses freezing cold air while in use. A topical anesthetic is not needed.
No down time after a Clarity laser treatment, but there may be some slight redness and swelling for a few days.
While the removal of spider veins, stretch marks, cellulite, and brown spots is permanent, these conditions can recur. Proper diet and exercise or sun protection can help to avoid recurrences. The Clarity Laser is a state-of-the-art treatment for laser hair removal, hyperpigmentation, and spider veins.
IPL Photo Facial RF

Technology: Syneron. Intense Pulsed Light system together with Radio Frequency Oscillation (ELOS). The combined Bi-Polar Radio Frequency and Light energies of elos™ technology precisely and safely target pigmented lesions.
Suitable for: freckles, sun spots, age spots, spider vessels, rosacea (redness), sun harm, spider veins, and uneven skin tones.
Course of treatments: Ideal results are achieved after 3 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart. no downtime and patients return to daily activities quickly.
Matrix IF/Elos Sublative Resurfacing

Pre-treatment for all laser treatments:
Before any treatments, try to avoid the sun for 2 weeks before your treatment or use a good sunblock on the area you will be having treatment. If you have gotten tan in the area recently, please notify us. Sunless tanning products should be avoided. Don’t apply any sort of products to the area. This includes lotions, Vitamin A products, makeup, and perfume. For those with extremely sensitive skin, a mild topical anesthetic may be used prior to treatment.
Potential Side Effects and Post-treatment after Lasers:
After treatment, a mild sunburn-like sensation is expected. This usually lasts 2-24 hours but can persist up to 72 hours. Mild swelling and/or redness may accompany this, but it usually resolves in 2-3 days. Apply ice or cold packs to the treatment area for 10-15 minutes every hour for the next four hours as needed. Until redness has completely resolved avoid aggressive scrubbing and exfoliants, apply cosmetics to the treated area, swimming, especially in pools with chemicals, such as chlorine, hot tubs, and jacuzzi, activities that cause excessive perspiration, and sun exposure to treated areas. Apply an SPF 30 or greater daily.
Caution and Safety information
Conditions that may exclude you from any laser treatments include pregnancy, pacemakers/cardiac irregularities, active infection or a history of herpes in the treatment area, a history of keloid scarring, raised moles/suspicious skin lesions, tattooed area, diabetes, epilepsy, implants in the treatment area, and acne treated with Accutane within the previous 6-12 months. Please inform us of any of the above conditions so that we may assess your treatment possible.